What is RollingSouth?

RollingSouth is an AngelList Rolling Fund. What does that mean? Here is a longer guide, but the short version is: an investment fund dedicated to investing in early stage tech companies in the Southeast. 

A Rolling Fund: 

  • Can be advertised in public – which is why you can read this post! The fund is being raised under “General Solicitation” rules. You can read all about General Solicitation here. 
  • Is subscribed to quarterly. Rather than make a big upfront commitment, investors sign up for a smaller quarterly subscription for as long as they would like. 
  • The fund is all powered by AngelList, premier online platform for angel investing. AngelList handles all the fund administration (paperwork, taxes, investor reporting, …). 

RollingSouth combines the benefits of a Rolling Fund with the proven investing activity at VentureSouth. VentureSouth is one of the leading angel groups in the US, repeatedly recognized as a top 10 angel investment group, with over 400 members that fund early stage companies in the Southeast. 
