We are very pleased that Erin Ouzts is joining the VentureSouth Spartanburg team as local leader of the group.
Below is more on the announcement of her appointment, and you can read more in the Upstate Business Journal. We're excited about adding her enterpreneurial and investing experience, and relationships with potential investors and early stage companies in Spartanburg, to the team.
VentureSouth Spartanburg Announces New Director
Spartanburg, S.C. – VentureSouth Spartanburg is delighted to announce the appointment of Erin Ouzts as its new local leader.
VentureSouth Spartanburg is an angel investment group that invests in early stage companies in Spartanburg and across the Carolinas. It is part of the VentureSouth network of 14 affiliated angel group locations and funds.
Erin has been a member of VentureSouth Spartanburg and a driving force behind the group since its beginning in 2015. Erin agreed to become local leader this summer to help continue growing the membership and increasing the number of local companies that present to the VentureSouth members.
“I’m thrilled to continue to grow VentureSouth Spartanburg,” said Erin. “With the support of the One Spartanburg plan and our local investors, Spartanburg Angels will continue to impact our community as a key piece of the ecosystem of support for entrepreneurs. Many elements must work together to create a dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem and capital for growing companies is a critical piece.”
Over 35 people have been part of VentureSouth Spartanburg since it was created. These members have already invested in 15 early stage companies from across the Carolinas, including Spartanburg companies like Atlas Organics.
“We’ve enjoyed working with Erin to form and grow VentureSouth Spartanburg over the last two years,” said Paul Clark, a Managing Director at VentureSouth. “And we’re excited about the momentum and enthusiasm she will bring to continuing to grow the group.”
“Last year’s OneSpartanburg Community Assessment noted that many communities of a similar size to Spartanburg would covet the presence of a locally-based angel investment group,” added Betsy Sikma, director of small business and entrepreneurial development for the Economic Futures Group at the Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce. “The plan’s final recommendations are to work with VentureSouth Spartanburg to expand funding options for local high-growth firms. We’re pleased to have been able to form the group, and to continue to see it being led by experienced angel investors and entrepreneurs.”