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Venture south fallback
VentureSouth Testimonials
Member Testimonial - Michael Biron
Michael Biron, the founder of Altis Biosystems, graduated from Penn State with an undergraduate degree in marketing. Upon graduation, he worked in construction management and real-estate development for five years before switching to sales.  After working in insurance sales for a couple of years, Michael decided to join the U.S. Army, where he served as an Officer for four years. Afterwards, he earned a MBA from the University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler.While attending UNC, Michael met a group of scientists who would later partner with him to create Altis Biosystems. Altis is a biotechnology startup that uses a stem cell platform to recreate the human intestinal epithelium, which is essentially the inner lining of the intestines that directly interacts with foods and medicines that human ingest. Altis’ platform can be used by pharmaceutical and other biotech companies to test their drugs before human consumption. Current pharmaceutical labs use animal models and cancer cell lines for testing; Altis sets itself apart by using live human cells to test drugs. The benefit of using human cells is that it serves as a better indicator for a human reaction and has the potential to decrease the need for animal testing. Ninety percent of drugs that go into clinical trials fail to meet FDA approval; Altis’ physiological model hopes to reduce clinical trial failure rates. Michael was introduced to VentureSouth through a mutual friend about three years ago, but was reintroduced in 2019 to VentureSouth’s managing director, Paul Clark. After telling Paul Altis’ story, Michael pitched his idea to VentureSouth’s investors. VentureSouth then became a lead investor and lead the round. When asked what advice he would give burgeoning entrepreneurs, Michael said, "If you want to start a company, give that one company 100% of your focus; don’t try to juggle more than one start-up at a time.  Expect to devote a large number of hours a week to your company. It will consume your life for a while. If that sounds good to you, then go for it! If it doesn’t sound good, then maybe starting a business isn’t the right fit for you."Michael left Altis in good hands in November 2022, and now works with startups and scientific companies in North Carolina and beyond. 
July 26, 2021
Venture south fallback
VentureSouth Testimonials
Member Testimonial - Dan Haight
Dan was raised in a military family and has lived all over the country. He attended 12 different school in his youth and visited all 50 states. As an adult, Dan has lived in 11 cities and several countries. However, he considers the Carolinas his home, splitting his time between Charlotte, Greenville, and Triad, North Carolina. For most of his career, Dan worked in big business. In 2008, he left corporate America and started his own investment group. Dan’s group focused on investing in good companies that had been poorly managed. During this time, he made several investments in turnaround opportunities. Once the economy recovered from the 2008 recession, turnaround opportunities dried up, and Dan had to find other investment ventures. He decided to start his own company; simultaneously, Dan became a member of the Upstate Carolina Angel Network, the first group at VentureSouth.Not only has Dan invested through VentureSouth, he has also raised capital through VentureSouth. Since then, Dan has created three startups and invested in over 30 companies. Dan’s advice to future investors is that if you have any interest at all in investing, do it! However, take it slow and do your homework. Participate in the due diligence, learn about the company and their aspirations, and recognize the risk vs. reward. Dan’s favorite hobbies are traveling and running. He hopes to combine these activities and one day participate in marathons on each of the world’s continents!
July 13, 2021
Venture south fallback
VentureSouth Testimonials
Team Testimonial - Matt Dunbar
Matt Dunbar was born and raised in Rock Hill, SC. He attended Clemson University where he studied Chemical Engineering. After receiving his undergraduate degree, Matt moved to eastern Tennessee to work for Eastman Chemical Company. A few years later, Matt decided he wanted a change of scenery and a change of careers, so he rolled the dice and got accepted to study business at Stanford University. There, he was exposed to many new ideas, concepts, and opportunities in the world of business. Matt was particularly interested in the theories and practices of consulting. He was impressed by his classmates who had consulting backgrounds who could synthesize solutions to complex problems and articulate them in a compelling way.After graduating from Stanford, Matt joined Boston Consulting Group in their Atlanta office. After three years with BCG, Matt and his wife decided to return South Carolina to start their family. While looking for career opportunities in Greenville, Matt met two investors who wanted to launch an angel investor network in Greenville, and together they launched the Upstate Carolina Angel Network (UCAN) in April of 2008. As the founding, managing director of UCAN, Matt developed the operations that became VentureSouth, which has now been named a three-time Top 10 Angel Group in North America.In his free time, Matt and his family love to travel and spend time outdoors. Matt also loves fly fishing and scuba diving.
July 13, 2021
Venture south fallback
VentureSouth Testimonials
Member Testimonial - David Grisell
David Grisell started his career as a physician, specializing in Oncology. He graduated from The University of Texas - Medical Branch with his undergraduate degree, and then continued his education at the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth to complete his DO. After working as a physician for 30+ years, he decided he did not want to work for other people anymore. David went back to school and graduated from Clemson University with his MBA. He then went to start an online medical service business with his son. With the success of uMedMarket, David hopes to expand into the cosmetic industry, providing transparency on price, provider, credentials, and availability. Learn more about uMedMarket here.David has been an investor all his life. He became interested in angel investing when his son moved to California to work for Instacart. By talking with his son about new startups happening on the West Coast, David decided to look for an angel group in the Southeast. Through VentureSouth’s Charleston branch, he was able to connect with Matt Dunbar and join VentureSouth UCAN. As of writing, David has been with VentureSouth for 6 years and has served on 22 due diligence teams. When asked what advice he would give to starting investors, David says, “Education is key.” Through VentureSouth and their educational subsidiary, members can learn about many different areas of angel investing. If someone wants to start investing on their own, they should visit the American Capital Association website to learn the terms, ins and outs, and other basic building blocks of investing. “You can lose your shirt in investing if you don't follow some few basic principles, like going through due diligence and diversification.”David now cohosts the Venture In The South podcast (with Paul), dropping episodes about angel investing in the southeastern United States every Monday!
June 14, 2021
Venture south fallback
VentureSouth Testimonials
Team Testimonial - Paul Clark
Paul Clark grew up in Skegness in Lincolnshire, England - possibly the greatest seaside resort in the world. (Editor's note: It is not.)Paul somehow used his Masters Degree in Medieval History to land an investment banking position at NM Rothschild and then an private equity investing position at BC Partners in London and New York. Both of those institutions still exist despite Paul's contributions.In 2010, he relocated to South Carolina for his wife’s job. After he moved to Greenville, he began a career in banking. In 2013, the bank Paul was working for planned to become a sponsor for VentureSouth UCAN. Before the plan could be executed, the bank went out of business. (Not just because of the pennies on the ceiling.)Undeterred, Paul still wanted to work with Matt Dunbar and Charlie Banks, so they joined forces to co-found VentureSouth.Paul finds it hard to pick one favorite part of his job. He likes it when the portfolio companies get acquired because that generates positive returns for VentureSouth investors. For the entrepreneurs, they get to see the culmination of hard work generating great results for everybody. Along the way, Paul enjoys seeing management teams develop and mature, grapple with problems, solve them, move on to the next one, and grow their companies. Paul finds it very fulfilling to be able to help in that process. In his free time, Paul likes to go camping with his family. (Editor's note: This is not true.) They also spend a lot of time traveling to England to see family and friends.
June 8, 2021