
IRAs: What can I do to optimize?

So what can I do to optimize? There is, of course, nothing stopping you angel investing from both cash and IRA. You can, and many VentureSouth members in fact do, carefully plot what investments are made from which source. If you’re investing in a C-Corp raising a...

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IRAs: Final reasons to use an IRA

But does it actually make sense to use your IRA? 4. Admin and fees There are a couple of other administrative considerations. First, tracking: investments, especially if you do them on your own, is likely easier in the IRA as the custodian should have good tracking...

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IRAs: Yet more reasons to use an IRA

But does it actually make sense to use your IRA? 3. A bit more on taxes. Two other small things on taxes. We looked at gains in the last post, but we shouldn’t forget the flip-side of that – losses. Capital losses are “useful” in either case – a loss in an IRA will...

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IRAs: More reasons to use an IRA

But does it actually make sense to use your IRA? 2. Taxes. The key benefit of investing through an IRA, of course, is that any gains have favorable tax treatments: in a traditional IRA, the gains are tax-free when they happen and you pay ordinary income tax upon...

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Capped participating preferreds: wrap up

Hopefully between the prose and the spreadsheet, we have illuminated the cost of the compromise for founders and investors finding this middle ground of a “capping participation.”If not, at least you hopefully come away knowing that VentureSouth would never willingly...

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