Best angel investing podcasts for southeastern angel investors
Interested in angel investing and like podcasts? You’re in the right place – our annotated guide to podcasts about angel investing in the southeast.
There are already lists of angel investing podcasts. Why do we need one for the southeast, you ask? Angel investing is not a one-size-fits-all activity: angel investing in San Francisco is not the same as angel investing in Spartanburg. Nationally-renowned angel investors' opinions are controversial and entertaining, but aren't always valuable for really understanding early-stage funding realities in the southeast. As we have not found a good guide of audio content from southeastern angels, we created it. Here it is!
2024 updates:
- Podcasts come and go. We've updated the annotations below to try to capture which creators are making new content. If you have any suggestions of updates or additions, please let us know -- we're on the road a lot and need a steady new stream!
- If you want to explore the differences between "national" and "local" angel investing, the "Southeastern Investment Thesis" episode might be useful.
Venture in the South. Naturally we lead off with Venture in the South. Launched in 2021 by VentureSouth Managing Director Paul Clark and VentureSouth member David Grisell, Venture In The South focuses on angel investing, including angel education, changes to the southeastern venture capital environment, and interviews with southern startup CEOs. (Every Monday - still in business!)
Charlotte Angel Connection The grandfather of angel investing podcasts from the southeast is William Bissett’s Charlotte Angel Connection. Through over 150 episodes exploring the challenges and potential of the Charlotte entrepreneurial ecosystem, William is one of the few hosts truly interested in funding startups. Guests representing Wolfpack, Grotech, Frontier, Charlotte Angel Fund, QC Fintech and others provide a range of viewpoints and knowledge about angel investing in the Carolinas. William has also been kind enough to invite the VentureSouth team on, so naturally we recommend the episodes with Paul and John Dillard of Threatswitch at this link, Mac Lackey at this one, and multiple VentureSouth members across the series. (Site appears to be down as of late 2024 - hope it comes back.)
First Check Tim McCloughlin at Cofounders Capital launched his First Check podcast to share his views as the GP of a VC fund that shares much with angels in the southeast. We enjoyed the first episode with Donald Thompson and other episodes including one with Charlie Banks. (Seems to be on a bit of a hiatus but hopefully Tim will returns.)
Pete Meets Pete Meets was a video podcast hosted by Pete McEntegart, formerly Managing Editor of GrepBeat, covering tech entrepreneurs, investors, and entrepreneurial leaders. Investors appeared here frequently, including Robbie Hardy of xElle Ventures and VentureSouth’s own Matt Dunbar in episode 6. (Brian Handly, CEO of VentureSouth portfolio company Reveal Mobile, entertains in episode 7.) (Grepbeat have further good content as Pete has moved onto his standup career!)
That’s it, just three outside recommendations, two of which are broken? Sadly, yes, there are not many content creators focused on angel investing in the southeast; most address the wider startup or tech scenes in the region, but have only occasional appearances from angel investors.
Here is a longer list drawing from of a wider net, with episodes highlighted where they have a particular focus on angels.
Southeast Tech Podcast Morris Manning & Martin’s Southeast Tech Podcast casts a wide net, but episodes with investors, especially in Atlanta, appear periodically. Recent examples include BIP Capital and RAISE Forum. (Dormant since late 2023.)
Founder Shares Continuing with attorneys, this time the team at Hutchison Law, which has long supported the entrepreneurial ecosystem in North Carolina. The Founder Shares podcast delivers what its name suggests; for those seeking the investors’ perspective, this episode also featuring Robbie Hardie of xElle gives hope for future relevant content. (Still active via here.)
Donald Thompson Podcast Donald Thompson’s podcast covers a wide range of advice from successful business leaders, with a particular focus on diversity. Not focused exclusively on angel investing, we included Donald as one of the few podcasts delivered by a self-professed angel investor from the Triangle. Episodes with other investors like David Gardner and Tim McCloughlin (returning the favor!) provide some investors’ input. (Quiet since 2022?)
Karen Rands' Compassionate Capitalist Podcast Experienced angel investor Karen Rands’ Compassionate Capitalist Podcast frequently covers early stage and angel investing topics, as part of a wider remit of business advice and assistance. Local investor episodes include Shac Oren at Sound Media Ventures in Atlanta, and Skip Boudreaux at Arcadian in Louisiana. (Moved location, but still active.)
Exit Stories Another pod from an investor, this time Kevin Mosley of Jurassic Capital, Exit Stories hasn’t featured many investors so far, but does cover the critical subject of exits. Angel investing only works if companies can exit; most entrepreneurs have not been through an exit; so this collection of episodes fills a particularly critical subject gap. (Quiet since late 2023?)
The Angel Next Door The "official"(?) podcast of the Angel Capital Association from angel investor Marcia Dawood is not specifically southeastern focused, but does have a "local investor" flavor from its guests and topics.
Coming soon are the Triangle Tweener Talks podcast and Ecosysteming from NC Idea.
There are, of course, a wide variety of angel investing podcasts from other regions and nationally. Some of our favorites include:
- The Full Ratchet
- This Week in Startups
- Angel Invest Boston (sadly now offline)
- Angels, Exits and Acquisitions
- The Investor Connect podcast
- And there are many more. What should we put on our playlist?