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VentureSouth in the Top 10!

Charlie Banks
Charlie Banks
Last updated: June 5, 2024
Venture south fallback

Last week at the annual Angel Capital Association Summit in Chicago, we were thrilled when VentureSouth was announced as one of the Top 10 angel investment groups in North America!

In a preview of the soon-to-be-released 2018 Angel Funders Report, the ACA revealed that among reporting groups, VentureSouth was one of the ten most prolific by dollars invested last year.  

We invested $7 million in 22 companies in 2018 – a record for us and a great testament to the hard work of the entire VentureSouth team, our highly active network of 300 angel members, and a robust pipeline of Southeastern startups led by talented but unsung entrepreneurs.  It’s a great honor for our group here in the Carolinas to be recognized alongside leading national groups from markets like California, Boston, New York and Texas. 

We also want to say thank you to the Angel Capital Association team for putting on another great Summit this year. The organization works extremely hard to support the growth of angel investing, and we would not be where we are today without the knowledge, relationships and public policy leadership the ACA provides.   

It was especially fitting that retiring ACA Executive Director Marianne Hudson was honored with the Hans Severiens Award at the Summit for her many years of dedicated leadership and service in advancing the field of angel investing.  Congratulations Marianne on a well-deserved honor and thank you for all your hard work on behalf of angel investors!

Learn more about becoming involved with VentureSouth’s story in 2019 on the rest of our website, or sign up here.