Having finished our October angel group meetings and all our kids’ Halloween candy, we are preparing hard for our final group meeting of the year.
In November, though, we change our operating model from monthly meetings in every town to a single large meeting in Greenville, SC – the VentureSouth 2017 Summit.
First, a quick pitch: you can see all the content and logistics on our Summit page here. Several of the sessions are open to the public, most importantly our three educational workshops - How to Pitch, Post-Investment & Boardroom, and Angel Investing for Economic Development. If you see something interesting, sign up and we’ll look forward to seeing you there.
But rather than sales pitches, we try to limit our blog to educational content, so thought you might like to hear why we run our Summit as we do.
There are dozens of startup, entrepreneur, angel, VC, and general tech conferences around the southeast – CED, Dig South, 36|86, ATA workshops, demo days galore, and countless more. So why a “VentureSouth Summit”? The next couple of posts will discuss a few reasons.